Key Policy Goals

Truly Affordable
The state must restore the $1.5B provided annually to local jurisdictions to finance low- to moderate-income housing, the centerpiece of its affordable housing effort. The legislature defunded affordable housing in 2011 following the Great Recession.
Developers who benefit from Density Bonus laws should set aside at least 40% of the units for low-income people, and half of those for families.

Shared Prosperity with Other Regions
Expand remote work to allow good jobs at home, cutting long commutes and GHG.
The state must offer incentives to booming companies located in job-rich areas to move to communities with a surplus of housing.

Using the Land
Cities should be incentivized to voluntarily rezone underutilized or vacant commercial and industrial properties for multi-family housing, after assuring that such lands are safe for human occupancy.

State Funding of Its Own Mandates
The legislature must fund the cost to municipalities for new infrastructure and resources needed for its housing mandates.

People Power
We must reduce big-money influence on legislators by limiting their campaign contributions.

Strengthen Environmental Protections
Strengthen CEQA to better assess and mitigate development impacts.
Increase urban, green, open space and trees.